Archive: Literature

The Photo That Changed The Course Of History

The story’s third version has it that the two men Print sent to bury the…

Categories: History, Literature, Stories
We’ll See What Course Revenge Would Take

When the Gillan wagon passed through the gap, horsemen quickly surrounded the wagon and ordered…

People: Print Olive Categories: History, Literature, Stories
The Consequences Begin To Mount

“I think that shot’ll kill Olive,” Luther said. Kill Bob Olive it did. Print was…

People: Print Olive Categories: History, Literature, Stories
Conflict Of Sheriff Anderson’s Posse And Settlers

Anderson acknowledged, “We know who’s responsible. It’s Ketchum and Mitchell for sure. Print came through…

People: Print Olive Categories: History, Literature, Stories
How It Lead Print Olive To Champion An Open Range

In the spring of 1869 Print joined in his first drive north, adding 800 head…

People: Print Olive Categories: History, Literature, Stories Tags: Fort Kearney
We Follow Print Olive to Ft. Kearney

Print, wounded seriously but not mortally in that first battle at Shiloh, surrendered at Vicksburg…

People: Print Olive Categories: History, Literature, Stories Tags: Fort Kearney
The Development Of Print’s Opportunities And Character

James halted the westward movement at the banks of the Colorado river, turned north, and…

People: Print Olive Categories: History, Literature, Stories
Tying Up Print Olive’s Aims And Bill Cody’s Aims

“Fair enough. Cody wants us to promote his drama show trial run. He sent over…

People: Steve Buttress Categories: History, Literature, Stories