Archive: History

We Follow Print Olive to Ft. Kearney

Print, wounded seriously but not mortally in that first battle at Shiloh, surrendered at Vicksburg…

People: Print Olive Categories: History, Literature, Stories Tags: Fort Kearney
The Development Of Print’s Opportunities And Character

James halted the westward movement at the banks of the Colorado river, turned north, and…

People: Print Olive Categories: History, Literature, Stories
Tying Up Print Olive’s Aims And Bill Cody’s Aims

“Fair enough. Cody wants us to promote his drama show trial run. He sent over…

People: Steve Buttress Categories: History, Literature, Stories
Keens Reports His Conversation With The So-called Saddle Tramp

“Who was that?” Dart asked before they’d had a chance to get seated. Sometimes F.…

Chuck Peek, Professor Emeritus and Poet
Radical Winds – The Century – The Times

Now ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the players who will likely end…

Chuck Peek, Professor Emeritus and Poet
Radical Winds – The Carmelites

In the beginning episodes, you will be joining Steve in tracking, in his word witnessing,…

People: Steve Buttress Categories: History, Literature
The 1733 Ballroom and Other Amusements

In Larry Hardesty’s monumental set of notes on the history of the 1733 Ballroom, he…

Thalken-Tesdall-Thalken, early photo of the trio
Thalken Tribute

When the news broke in Kearney that the Thalkens were retiring and Kearney Floral would…