Brad Driml

Supporter of Kearney Arts

Quiet and unassuming, Brad is usually working behind the creative Kearney scenes with a great passion for helping others appreciate their beauty,

Brad is a person who is larger than life and yet likes to be invisible. He has lived in Kearney most of his life and in that time, has branched out into many cultural endeavors and has been a blessing to this community.

Many associate Brad’s name with Kearney Community Theater, The World Theatre, The Historical Society, The Humane Society, The Arc of Buffalo County and Kearney Area Arts Council to name a few. He has served on boards and been an officer and Director of several nonprofit organizations – many associated with the arts.

He is proficient at grant writing for nonprofit organizations. His attention to detail in this area makes him quite successful. Raising funds has brought new energy and opportunities to the organizations he has worked with.

Brad can be all business, but he is also very kind, patient and willing to help others. Having a vast vocabulary, being a writer of grants as well as entertaining fiction has not yet taught him how to use the word “no.” Brad says yes when asked for help in matters great and small. In saying yes and showing up physically and emotionally, he lends great benefit to the Kearney area, the arts, his neighbors, businesses, nonprofits and those who need a hero.

Over the past several years, he has worked with the elderly and people with disabilities. He gently encourages them to learn new skills and be fulfilled in the life they have.

He is humble about his talents but has a beautiful singing voice, is a great craftsman, decorator, director, actor, cook and writer. One of Brad’s many skills is knowing the lyrics to most Broadway shows, Pop music from the 70’s – 90’s and plinking out his favorite songs on his antique baby grand.

Written by Diane Martelle Sciachitano
* Photos by Diane Martelle Sciachitano

People: Brad Driml Categories: Art, Theater